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National Bird of India

 National Bird of India

The National Bird of India is the Indian Peafowl. If you do not know what a peafowl is, it is the collective term for a peacock and a peahen. But did you know why a peafowl is the national bird of India and not any other bird?

National birds are more than just a convenient symbol to put on official seals, stamps, or currency. The national bird represents something notable in the country and is selected carefully to present meaning.

While several religious and mythological stories are associated with the bird, there is a list of criteria that need to be fulfilled for a bird to become a national representative. Here are some of the criteria for the official bird of the country:

The bird must be religiously rich and should be involved in the traditions and culture of the country.
a. The bird is of an endemic species and cannot be found anywhere else.

b. It has the qualities to represent the values of the nation such as strength, bravery, unity, and elegance.

c. Common people should be familiar with the bird.

d. The bird must be widely present and well-distributed all over the country.

e. It must lend itself to a formal depiction.

f. The bird should be associated with several local stories and myths.

g. The bird should not be confused with the national emblem of the country.

The Indian Peafowl meets almost all the criteria in the list. The peafowl is a symbol of beauty and grace which represents the Indian culture perfectly. The Peafowl was declared the National Bird in 1963.

Do all countries have a National Bird?

The answer to this question is a simple NO. Not all countries have a national bird and, in some countries, the official bird lacks the official acknowledgment of the government. Moreover, the criteria for a national bird vary from country to country making the selection of birds a difficult task. Certain countries select their national bird based on their qualities like voice, beauty, or strength. 

Countries and National Birds

a. Afghanistan - Golden Eagle

b. Australia - Emu

c. Belgium - Common Kestrel

d. Bhutan - Common Raven

e. Denmark - Mute Swan

f. Finland - Whopper Swan

g. Greece - Little Owl

h. Israel - Hoopoe

i. Jamaica - Swallow-tail Hummingbird

j. Japan - Green Pheasant

k.Malaysia - Rhinoceros Hornbill

l.Nepal - Himalayan Monal

m.Papua New Guinea - Raggiana Bird of Paradise

n.Philippines - Phillippine Eagle

o.United States - Bald Eagle

Irrespective of how they are chosen, these aerial ambassadors of the countries are important symbols and represent the country, boosting the countries pride.